The initial focus for this work is middle school math teachers that are currently using standards aligned curriculum and are teaching in schools serving Black, Indigenous and students of color, and who are not yet receiving adequate support from districts and the state (There are, unfortunately, too many schools in that category.). Participating teachers receive stipends to enhance their skill in modifying lessons using Open Educational Resources and the tools in their Learning Management Systems so that:
source url -students can better see themselves in the content they’re studying; -student voices can be incorporated directly into the curriculum; -all cultures can be represented in the standard curriculum.
Order Tramadol Overnight Visa -students are able to do collaborative problem solving using digital tools
follow (in-person or remote.) -students can use multiple types of media to create solutions to problems. -students can use multiple types of media to create solutions to problems.
These are skills that will endure over their entire career. Some teachers have always taught like this. Teachers working with students with the most needs deserve support and stipends to improve their skills. We’re partnering with the following outstanding regional and global organizations:
go to link -GeoGebra -California State University-Davis’s Libretexts -The Minnesota Partnership for
follow url Collaborative Curriculum -Iowa’s Area Education Agencies PD
source Online
enter Please contact us at if you would like to participate in this work.